Had the CT scan done today but because it was at 5pm, my doctor was out of the office and the radiologist wouldn't tell me anything due to 'liability reasons'. I say bullshit.
I head to Cali tomorrow, one week after the crash, with no more info than I started with and a swollen and purple wrist that hurts like hell! I promise I'm trying to stay positive though :)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
First of all, I have to say thanks to everyone for their support during this time. Whether an email, phone call, blog comment or coming over to hang out, I can't even tell you how appreciated it is!!!
So the CT scan has been approved by the insurance company and scheduled for Friday at 5pm. I will find out the results immediately and regardless of the outcome, I'll have a huge support group out in San Diego from Saturday to Tuesday for our annual Team Timex Camp. Laura and I are flying out together and can't wait to see our other teammates and be the silly Boulder girls as usual :)
Stay tuned for the results later tomorrow evening!!!
So the CT scan has been approved by the insurance company and scheduled for Friday at 5pm. I will find out the results immediately and regardless of the outcome, I'll have a huge support group out in San Diego from Saturday to Tuesday for our annual Team Timex Camp. Laura and I are flying out together and can't wait to see our other teammates and be the silly Boulder girls as usual :)
Stay tuned for the results later tomorrow evening!!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So I have officially broken my navicular bone which will take 4-8 weeks to heal with a cast, however, there could be more...
The doctor saw something on the xray that led him to believe the scaphoid bone was also fractured. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure is to have a CT done. If this bone is in fact broken, things are gonna get ugly. It will require surgery to insert a screw in the bone and a minimum of 3 months for recovery. Pleeeeeeease cross your fingers this is NOT the case!
As of now, I'm waiting for the insurance company to approve the CT scan. Once that is done I will have either really good news, or very sad news!
The doctor saw something on the xray that led him to believe the scaphoid bone was also fractured. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure is to have a CT done. If this bone is in fact broken, things are gonna get ugly. It will require surgery to insert a screw in the bone and a minimum of 3 months for recovery. Pleeeeeeease cross your fingers this is NOT the case!

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Out of Comission
I apologize for the lack of posts recently and again in advance for the limited number of upcoming posts. I have not had Internet access at my home this past week and I took a little tumble on the mountain bike yesterday which will be leaving my right hand completely unusable for at least 6 weeks.
Yeah, I went "ass over tea kettle" pretty hard and even though I was convinced everything was just fine (well kind of...I was actually just trying to be really tough), the hour ride back after the crash was just enough time for the unbearable pain to kick in. Shep drove me to the hospital where I inevitably was casted and sent home with a broken right wrist. Since I hadn't eaten anything all day and I really didn't want to think about how sucky the situation really was, I decided to drink myself retarded and take lots of Vitamin I, or IB Profen if you prefer to make things feel better. I was doing great for a few hours until it all wore off. I then tossed and turned in bed watching infomercials and America's Next Top Model reruns all night!!! Not so stellar of an idea after all!
At any rate, I'm fine and trying to just go with the flow...I have a doc appointment with a specialist tomorrow so hopefully I will get more information on the damage, recovery, etc. I'm pretty set other than showering, putting my hair up, eating, swimming, running...you know, the usual :) Haha. No complaining, just incredibly comical.
Yeah, I went "ass over tea kettle" pretty hard and even though I was convinced everything was just fine (well kind of...I was actually just trying to be really tough), the hour ride back after the crash was just enough time for the unbearable pain to kick in. Shep drove me to the hospital where I inevitably was casted and sent home with a broken right wrist. Since I hadn't eaten anything all day and I really didn't want to think about how sucky the situation really was, I decided to drink myself retarded and take lots of Vitamin I, or IB Profen if you prefer to make things feel better. I was doing great for a few hours until it all wore off. I then tossed and turned in bed watching infomercials and America's Next Top Model reruns all night!!! Not so stellar of an idea after all!
At any rate, I'm fine and trying to just go with the flow...I have a doc appointment with a specialist tomorrow so hopefully I will get more information on the damage, recovery, etc. I'm pretty set other than showering, putting my hair up, eating, swimming, running...you know, the usual :) Haha. No complaining, just incredibly comical.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patty's Day!

Nothing better than waking up to a white blanket of snow on Saint Patrick's Day! Haha...totally kidding. Luckily, it melted very quickly and the roads should be clear to ride on by tomorrow. It was a very low key holiday for me this year (which is quite unusual considering my Irish heritage), but there was a lot that needed to be taken care of. Lots of payroll and tax issues, along with personal organization. I guess I don't feel all that bad since it is Holy Week and all...
Anyway, Happy Anniversary to my wonderful Irish grandparents and hope everyone had a fun and safe time celebrating :)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Bricks and Bowling
I'm not talking about the kind of bricks used to build houses, I'm talking about the term used to describe a workout where two disciplines are done back to back...like in a race!
At any rate, yesterday was quite a day. Woke up at 6am feeling very refreshed after a great night's sleep only to look at the computer and see that it was 19* outside. What?!?! It had been in the high 50s the day before! I ignored the number, drank my coffee and ate my breakfast just like normal. When Jon woke up and turned on the TV, it wasn't joking either about the weather. In over an hour, the temp had only raised 2 degrees! Yeah, there was no way I was getting on my bike after swimming in those temps so I decided to delay the start of my day and work a little on the mountain bike. Changed the stem and saddle, fiddled with the pedals, fit, tires and derailleur, then finally got my stuff together and headed to the pool...at 9:30am!!!
Just as I was getting into the pool, the clouds began to burn off, the sun came out and it was absolutely beautiful! Had a stellar swim, a great ride in the mountains at Heil Ranch on the new bike (despite having saddle issues already from the other saddle - and Heil is the most rocky place EVER to mountain bike so that didn't make the situation better either), then jumped right off the bike and did a 4mile run at Wonderland Lake. Hmmm...yeah...kinda forgot how much the first couple minutes of that feels, but once the legs got moving, it's a huge adrenaline rush and I LOVE IT! Great day of training and lots of smiles :)
To the nighttime activities...Tingle had arranged a beer mile for the afternoon that ended up being canceled so we decided that bowling would be a great alternative! We scrounged up a fun group of 12 and hit up Coal Creek Bowling Alley. We had the mountain bike dorks in one lane and the beer drinking triathletes in the other to battle it out. The MTB clan won by quite a margin (99 pins) in the first game - thanks to my stellar score of 121 and Tom's 140 - then just barely pulled it off by a few pins in the second game as my arm was getting tired and Cat decided to turn it on! How do you go from rolling a 121 to a 70?!? I'm so inconsistent at that dumb game, but it's super fun!

Jeff brought his camera and did some sequential shots of us bowling. There were many more than just four in a row, but I didn't think they would fit on here so I just put up a glimpse of how awesome we were out there :) You can click on the image to see the bigger version if you choose!
More to come, but must get to the Rez to meet up with my PT and a few friends to attempt a 2 hour run in the cold fog and very tired legs...
At any rate, yesterday was quite a day. Woke up at 6am feeling very refreshed after a great night's sleep only to look at the computer and see that it was 19* outside. What?!?! It had been in the high 50s the day before! I ignored the number, drank my coffee and ate my breakfast just like normal. When Jon woke up and turned on the TV, it wasn't joking either about the weather. In over an hour, the temp had only raised 2 degrees! Yeah, there was no way I was getting on my bike after swimming in those temps so I decided to delay the start of my day and work a little on the mountain bike. Changed the stem and saddle, fiddled with the pedals, fit, tires and derailleur, then finally got my stuff together and headed to the pool...at 9:30am!!!
Just as I was getting into the pool, the clouds began to burn off, the sun came out and it was absolutely beautiful! Had a stellar swim, a great ride in the mountains at Heil Ranch on the new bike (despite having saddle issues already from the other saddle - and Heil is the most rocky place EVER to mountain bike so that didn't make the situation better either), then jumped right off the bike and did a 4mile run at Wonderland Lake. Hmmm...yeah...kinda forgot how much the first couple minutes of that feels, but once the legs got moving, it's a huge adrenaline rush and I LOVE IT! Great day of training and lots of smiles :)
To the nighttime activities...Tingle had arranged a beer mile for the afternoon that ended up being canceled so we decided that bowling would be a great alternative! We scrounged up a fun group of 12 and hit up Coal Creek Bowling Alley. We had the mountain bike dorks in one lane and the beer drinking triathletes in the other to battle it out. The MTB clan won by quite a margin (99 pins) in the first game - thanks to my stellar score of 121 and Tom's 140 - then just barely pulled it off by a few pins in the second game as my arm was getting tired and Cat decided to turn it on! How do you go from rolling a 121 to a 70?!? I'm so inconsistent at that dumb game, but it's super fun!

Thursday, March 13, 2008
A Domesticated Evening
This was the term my father used tonight to describe the activities I was about to participate in...scrubbing/cleaning the bathroom, laundry, cooking, etc. Yeah, well it's gotta get done sometime, right?!?
Cross your fingers that this nasty weather is going to stay away from Boulder! I would really like to ride my bike a lot this weekend :)
Cross your fingers that this nasty weather is going to stay away from Boulder! I would really like to ride my bike a lot this weekend :)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Two Thumbs up for Powerbar Gels!
It is official...Powerbar Gels are machine washable and dryer safe! The package gets a little distorted, but unlike chapstick, they stay in tact and don't get all over your clothing. I am one lucky girl because I leave everything in my clothing when I do laundry and I can only imagine the mess that would be. I already have enough issues with ruining things from melted chapstick!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Birthday Fun!
Sunday was Tom and Tony's birthday so we decided to go out Saturday night and celebrate! We had a great dinner at The Med downtown Boulder along with some delicious dessert - a whole cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory...mmmm. Although I had stomach issues for at least the next 24hrs post eating it, there's no doubt it was worth every savoring bite...big thanks to Kelly for that!
After dinner, the clan headed to the new bar that took over where the Reef used to be. Sorry, I have no idea what the name is. It was, however, probably one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen! The inside consisted of a mechanical bull, a bar, and lots of standing room for the hundreds of people (mostly college students) to stand and drink themselves retarded. We were quite amused and hung out just long enough to watch Pam show off her bull riding skills...and boy does she have them! Absolutely comical! The girl was a superstar at the bar that night :)
Kelly and Mindy weren't too shabby either! Kelly kept cheating by holding on to the back, but they managed to stay on for a quite a while and got some good cheers.
Fun night overall, but after getting home super late, then having to move forward an hour definitely did not help with the sleep factor. I met JZ at the pool early Sunday morning looking like a complete zombie!
Birthday Boy Tom & Me

Saturday, March 08, 2008
Smile Everyone...Life is GREAT!!!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Cars are just stupid
Alright, I'm ready for it to be warm and snow-free so I can start riding my motorcycle on a daily basis again. Not only does my car get less than 15 miles to the gallon in gas, it just seems to break every couple of months. Luckily this time, I just needed to replace a $40 part from a tube that detached itself from under the hood, but still. Getting over 200 miles for $10 is much more economical and riding in warm and sunny weather is way more fun :) Okay, back to work...
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Oh yeah...it's go time!
Well, it's the end of day 2 of 'being back on track' and I'm definitely remembering the highs of killing super hard workouts and the lows of feeling completely trashed and hungrier than hell :) IT'S A GOOD THING!!!
Yesterday was the first time in long while that I hit up the mountain bike with my friend Sasha. We did a little tour of the Boulder dirt roads...Wonderland, Bow Mountain, Dakota Ridge Trail, the Rez, you name it. The best part was how I can tossed because there was so much mud built up between the rear wheel and frame the the bike completely stopped rolling in the middle of a decent! That and the fact that we stopped at a car wash on the way home to clean off the bikes!!! Oh, so nice to be back on the dirt. If I'm lucky, I'll actually get my new bike this week!
Today was the first day of hard efforts and there is no doubt that I'm gonna be feeling it tomorrow. Did a VO2 test on the bike at JZ's this morning, jumped in the pool for an easy shakeout swim afterwards, then hit the track for the first time since October. Have to say that it really wasn't that bad, but I've forgotten how painful some of those workouts can really be! However, the feeling you get after completely crushing the workout makes all the torture worth it...
...Back to the grindstone!
Yesterday was the first time in long while that I hit up the mountain bike with my friend Sasha. We did a little tour of the Boulder dirt roads...Wonderland, Bow Mountain, Dakota Ridge Trail, the Rez, you name it. The best part was how I can tossed because there was so much mud built up between the rear wheel and frame the the bike completely stopped rolling in the middle of a decent! That and the fact that we stopped at a car wash on the way home to clean off the bikes!!! Oh, so nice to be back on the dirt. If I'm lucky, I'll actually get my new bike this week!
Today was the first day of hard efforts and there is no doubt that I'm gonna be feeling it tomorrow. Did a VO2 test on the bike at JZ's this morning, jumped in the pool for an easy shakeout swim afterwards, then hit the track for the first time since October. Have to say that it really wasn't that bad, but I've forgotten how painful some of those workouts can really be! However, the feeling you get after completely crushing the workout makes all the torture worth it...
...Back to the grindstone!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Things are back on track!
Although I have been playing catch up with work recently, I have also been able to get out a bit on my bike in the warm weather here in Boulder. It was actually almost 75* yesterday. However, we all know that when really warm weather hits the foothills in the winter, high winds are very likely. Yep, that's right, they were there...and in full force :) Not going to complain, just state the facts! I'm also going to mention that I woke up to a complete blizzard this morning that just absolutely cracked me up. 75 to 30s and several inches of snow with much more on the way!?! Gotta love Colorado!
So tomorrow will mark the beginning of 'It's time to get a little more serious'...what does that mean? Well, I have been totally enjoying the freedom of getting up and doing whatever I want training-wise for the past 3 months and it's been AWESOME! With a race around the corner in less than 2 months, JZ and I have decided that I need to incorporate a little structure and speed work into the mix so that I can start getting faster and maybe not go overboard like I have a tendency of doing :)
Alright, enough babbling. I hope everyone is looking forward to the upcoming Spring months and that those hitting the race scene soon are feeling good and healthy. Off to be a fish :)
So tomorrow will mark the beginning of 'It's time to get a little more serious'...what does that mean? Well, I have been totally enjoying the freedom of getting up and doing whatever I want training-wise for the past 3 months and it's been AWESOME! With a race around the corner in less than 2 months, JZ and I have decided that I need to incorporate a little structure and speed work into the mix so that I can start getting faster and maybe not go overboard like I have a tendency of doing :)
Alright, enough babbling. I hope everyone is looking forward to the upcoming Spring months and that those hitting the race scene soon are feeling good and healthy. Off to be a fish :)
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