Sunday, March 23, 2008

Out of Comission

I apologize for the lack of posts recently and again in advance for the limited number of upcoming posts. I have not had Internet access at my home this past week and I took a little tumble on the mountain bike yesterday which will be leaving my right hand completely unusable for at least 6 weeks.

Yeah, I went "ass over tea kettle" pretty hard and even though I was convinced everything was just fine (well kind of...I was actually just trying to be really tough), the hour ride back after the crash was just enough time for the unbearable pain to kick in. Shep drove me to the hospital where I inevitably was casted and sent home with a broken right wrist. Since I hadn't eaten anything all day and I really didn't want to think about how sucky the situation really was, I decided to drink myself retarded and take lots of Vitamin I, or IB Profen if you prefer to make things feel better. I was doing great for a few hours until it all wore off. I then tossed and turned in bed watching infomercials and America's Next Top Model reruns all night!!! Not so stellar of an idea after all!

At any rate, I'm fine and trying to just go with the flow...I have a doc appointment with a specialist tomorrow so hopefully I will get more information on the damage, recovery, etc. I'm pretty set other than showering, putting my hair up, eating, swimming, know, the usual :) Haha. No complaining, just incredibly comical.


Blake Becker said...

Sorry to hear about the wrist E. Keep your head up. I am looking forward to seeing you at camp!


kerrie said...

wow - those trails are dangerous! i'm so sorry - i hope you recover quick...let me know if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

dude!!! I hope that you are ok! my thoughts are with ya!