So it's definitely winter here in Boulder and I'm LOVIN' it! However, the other athletes in the area are not so much...they're actually all flocking to San Diego over the next couple days because they're going absolutely insane!!! Whatever. I love seasons and I love doing every winter sport there is so I'm totally fine. On that note, I have decided to stay on my same training plan (do what I want, when I want) for the month of January and then get back into it in February. My first race isn't until April 26 and it's a shorter off road race so I should be fine! The thought of doing intervals right now is just depressing :) Well, off to jump on the trainer and hit the pool with Jen Jen before I get my hair cut and beautifully styled for the first time in over a year and a half! Yeah, I'm gross, but I never wear it down and I just wait until it's long enough to donate and then get it all chopped off...Hopefully our good Russian friend Alex Fomenko will give me a killer new do :)