Friday, December 07, 2007

Let the partying begin!!!

I know you are all wondering what's going on with the vision, but as of late, nothing new has still fluctuates daily but I do find out today when I can finally get back in the water!!! Taking 3 weeks off from swimming was not really what I had intended, but I'm hoping it will be a bigger benefit down the road. I've been spinning a fair amount on the trainer and doing some running here and there along with some really random cardio to keep myself somewhat fit for the holidays, but starting in January, I will really start to get it in gear. I just put together my schedule for next year that needs to be reviewed by the coach before released, but I promise it will be quite a shock to many of you.

Well at any rate, I'm off to jump on the trainer with the new roommie and then get things together for all the fun things going on over the next few and birthday parties, visitors from out of town, friends moving this way, etc...We're expected to get a huge snowstorm so lots of skiing is planned to be done as well!!! WHOOOAAAA....

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