As always, most of the things that happened at team camp last week in Cali cannot be discussed publicly. However, I can assure you that they were all in good fun and no one was injured! Haha. Check out
Rachel Ross's blog to see the wonderful impression
Will Kelsay made after I got him on the team...what a moron!!! Also, visit the
Team Timex Blog for other great athlete postings. I'll post more photos when Tingle gets her crap together and sends them to me :)

Yes, yes, yes, I know everyone is curious as to how the surgery went and good news...it went great. I made a really dumb decision and attempted to do a hard bike trainer session at 4am the day of surgery because I couldn't eat anything after 7am. Not only did the workout go horribly, I didn't feel very well afterward and my plan to eat a huge breakfast before 7am went straight out the door. I was able to get in a little food, but not much, and by the time I had surgery at 3pm, I was about ready to bite someone's arm off I was so hungry. I normally can't go more than 2hrs without food or drink and making me go more than 8hrs is worse than the pain of the surgery itself! So of course I was out cold for the procedure and when I woke up, I was nicely welcomed by Catherine, Allen and a delicious treat from Jamba Juice. According to Allen (he's the one who spoke with the doc), they found something that starts with an 's' that was irritating the jointline and they were able to remove it, smooth it out and hopefully illeviate all the pain I was getting while running. They also drained the fluid from the under the kneecap and bursa along the side of the knee as well as clean up all the torn tissues in the surrounding areas. When I actually talk to the doctor next week, I'll post a much more accurate report of what 'actually' happened during the surgery.

As for now, I've been sitting on my booty with my giant compression sock doing nothing and not enjoying any of it. Okay, that's kind of a lie. Yesterday, Allen and I took a 2+hr adventure to the grocery store and Target that killed my armpits from crutching around everywhere and made a fun dinner with Merci, Ryan and Collin. Today, I went into FRG just to hang out for a bit.
I'm trying really hard to be patient about letting it heal, but damn, it's no fun when all your friends are out training all day and you can't go play with them :( I'm going to start doing lots of upper body and core stuff today so I plan on coming back with some killer strong arms and beautiful 12-pack...haha...we'll see how far that goes!