Sunday, February 28, 2010
What happened this weekend...

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Timex Team Camp Part 2
After a quick rinse in the shower and catching the bus within minutes, we headed out to New York City on our own for the evening.
This was a huge treat for me as I had never been downtown New York and to spend the evening in Times Square was just AMAZING.
We ended up eating at the Brazilian restaurant above. It was the most fascinating experience ever because the servers just walked around the floor with every type of meat possible and if your little sign (above) was turned to green, they would just come over and slice a piece of meat and through it on your plate until you turned it over so it showed a red ring on the outside.
It's not every day I'll throw down $85 for just myself on dinner, but this time it was worth every penny. Did I mention it was incredibly delicious too?!?! Mmmmmmm...
Saturday wasn't too late of an evening but the relaxing Sunday morning that followed was great. A fun breakfast, a few media pics, then the championship football game.
The above picture doesn't do justice as it was from a phone camera and actually two separate pics merged into one, but you get the idea. What a blast.
The final football game was quite entertaining as well. Keith and Tristan did a great job refereeing and all of Bruce's dedication paid off. Yes, the red team did prevail.
However, the most amusing part was watching the others who weren't playing wearing teeny tiny little kids shirts and being cheerleaders on the sideline...priceless.
After the game, we packed up and headed to the airport. It was such a blast and so fun to see everyone, especially my favorite mechanic Doug Berner. Stay tuned for videos and check out the links below for fun media coverage.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Timex Camp Part 1
The first night is always the best because I got to see all the people I hadn’t seen since last year and all the newbies that will be representing Timex in 2010. After some great introductions, there were several great surprises that couldn’t have been more perfect. After describing a terrible ‘situation’ that almost held up a very special product to be delivered by Thursday evening, Keith introduced ‘The Situation’ and ‘Snooki’ from ‘The Jersey Shore’ to come hand out the brand new GPS watches that luckily arrived just in time. Our team manager Tristan and Timex product manager Adrianne made a spectacular entrance dressed as the celebrities that was absolutely hilarious. Unless you watch the stupid show you wouldn’t get it, but since the camp was held in New Jersey, it was a total hit.
The second surprise of the evening was also completely unexpected. After drooling over the new watches we had just received, we were escorted into the Giant’s locker room where each of the player’s lockers had been turned into ours with name plates, gear and all. It was priceless.
Not that I care much about football, but I even got to check out Eli Manning’s locker!!!
Friday morning consisted of a killer breakfast in the TPC cafeteria, some great presenters and lots of fun. Most of the time was spent working on our ‘videos’ that needed to be shot, edited and finished by Saturday evening’s big judging contest so we were hard at work. Our group decided to incorporate how football players and triathletes have so many differences in training, eating, size, etc, yet in the end ‘All put in the time’ to train for the big event. We worked with several of the Giants players to get the shots we needed and had an absolute blast.
Not only did we get to check out the underwater treadmill that is used for rehab, we were also able to have one of the players doing a session allow Chris to join him and swim against the current as he ran against it…
Guard, Kevin Boothe, was even kind enough to take a photo with me after doing a shoot of how much he eats at a meal.
After lunch and a few more meetings, we headed out to the field house to play some football. Unfortunately I couldn’t play, but I cheered pretty dang loud. Our team only won one game so we didn’t make it to the championship, but it was really fun.
Immediately following the games, we showered and gathered in the front lobby for another surprise. This one could have been the best yet. We were heading to the ‘Medieval Times’ for dinner. If you don’t know what this is, you should visit the site and take a peek at the video below. Let’s just say that it was absolutely hilarious and with a shot of patron or two, it made it even better.
Seriously…how unbelievable is this?!?!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A quick update

Sunday, February 14, 2010
It's Valentine's Day!!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Phoenix Days 3 & 4