December and January are some of the busiest months of the year for my accounting business and this year has been the busiest yet! On my list of nightmares, there is one thing that rates worse than my computer crashing this time of year. Luckily I didn't have any stomach related issues, however, my number two on the list came to haunt me. After my computer got attacked by a virus early Wed morning, it immediately went dark and my heart completely sunk. I ran into FRG where the IT guys worked as quickly as possible to extract all my data off the hard drive. Ironically, they had ordered a new computer for me and it was almost ready to go until I flew through the doors and begged them to expedite the process. Mark and Mike worked their magic for several hours and by noon I was finally able to be semi productive! I'm still slowly adding programs and files but I am now 100% functional and cranking away.

After an incredibly long day of catching up due to my computer issues on Thursday, I met Bryce at the Trek Store for the 2012 Team meet and greet. Bryce is riding for a bike team for the first time in many years and he's really excited about it. After catching up with some good friends, we hit up the second party of the evening at Courtney and Tito's. This was a cookie party where everyone was supposed to bake a batch of cookies and bring them to share. Not gonna lie...I substituted about 14 cookies for dinner and dessert that night!
The cookie party was going great until we all began to take off. Apparently a new parking policy had been instilled and almost everyone got a boot on their car for not having a parking permit. Great day for Bryce and to both drive to a party, huh?!? I was surprisingly calm considering the all the other madness going on in my life, however, the sticker stated that we couldn't get the boots off until 7am at earliest the next morning. Thankfully, Allen and Jenny gave us a lift home and we would figure things out in the morning. To make a long story short, I tried calling the number on the sticker to meet someone at the cars for over 2 hours and no one answered. I called the Police, I called the apartment leasing office and 5hrs/$150 later, I was able to get both cars un-booted.
Friday followed the same trend with a familiar busy day at work, followed by a holiday party. Friday's evening party was Bryce's work Christmas party held in Westminster. I worked late, and we arrived to the party a little bit late. We planned on making it to our friend Allen's annual Christmas party later in the evening, but unfortunately ran completely out of time and energy. We've really been burning it at both ends and are looking forward to a having a few days to relax over the holidays!