Friday started off well with a super fun ride up Left Hand with Banjo on the dirt bikes. Everything was going fine until we took the wrong trail and ended up on some crazy rocky terrain that was totally not ride-able. I then proceeded to dump my bike and snap my clutch lever right off. Let's just say it was NOT an easy ride back down. I definitely had to bail numerous times and even ripped the horn right off. Luckily Bryce came to the rescue and got all the spare parts I needed and fixed it right up.

Later that evening we headed downtown Denver to see the Cirque du Soleil show. It was absolutely phenomenal. I would highly suggest going to see it if it's in your area :)

Saturday morning was filled with packing, bike maintenance and lots of running around. After loading the big van, we finally set off to Golden for a little cyclocross racing.

Since I didn't know I was automatically upgraded, I again raced with the CAT 4 women. It was a really bumpy and slightly technical course but lots of fun. I jetted to the front at the start and took the lead from the first turn and held it throughout the remainder of the race.

It was a lot of fun and although I should have been racing with the big girls, it was nice to chill out and not suffer like a dog...especially with a big day ahead of me on Sunday! I did, however, get stung by a bee on the inside of my lip on the first lap which absolutely killed but eventually went numb and just got super swollen. After icing it for the half hour after the race, I was good to go!

Bryce used to be a rockstar mountain biker but hasn't raced in a few years. He totally kicked butt and finished his first CX race in style. He even asked for a Red Bull when I was handing him his water so he couldn't have been feeling too crappy!

And for the rest of the weekend...After the cross races, we jumped in the van and headed to Trinidad, CO. We met up with a couple of Bryce's moto friends for dinner at this hilarious Italian restaurant where they sing throughout the whole night. It was hilarious. After a good night's sleep, we woke up at the ass crack of dawn, grabbed breakfast then headed to the race site for my first motocross race. I got the rundown on what do just a few hours prior to the start and even though I was completely clueless, I was super excited. Bryce was more nervous about me racing than I was...how cute. The race was by far the hardest, most fun thing I have ever done. I had no idea what to expect and it was by far not even in any range of what I was thinking. I probably dumped my bike, got stuck, fell over, etc 45 times...and I only got through one lap! Bryce absolutely killed it finishing 6th overall. I guess that's what you do when you're a seasoned pro, huh? I'm already planning my revenge to kick butt on October 25th at another race! I'll post more pics when they're available and if you're lucky, we'll even have a little video of Bryce taking a sweet face plant in the log crossing during the extreme test. We hear there's some good footage out there :) After a long drive home, we decided to have a cookie making extravaganza at my place. We made delicious peanut butter cookies with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups melted in the center....mmmmm, so good. I'm pretty sure they're already gone!!!