Saturday, November 05, 2011

And the remodel begins!


After hanging out in Best Buy an hour longer than we planned to order appliances, Shelby and I finally made our way up to Winter Park late Thursday night so we could get a solid day of prep and painting in on the new condo before Bryce came up Friday evening.

 There is so much to do but since painting the cabinets is a several step process, we started there!


This is the horrid brown cabinetry and wooden paneling with in the kitchen that does not match the speckled gray granite counters at all.

 It is obviously very far from finished but holy cow what a difference the black makes!


This picture doesn't do justice to the brown color on the walls. To give you a better idea of how gross it is, the ceilings are actually cream.

A nice coat of gray on the two far walls is MUCH better :)

Again, no one wants a beige/brown color that doesn't match the light floors...

So we took care of that with an ''almost'' white to really brighten up the room and accentuate the floors. Add some colorful artwork and it will be dazzling :)

A humungous thanks to Shelby for helping Bryce and I out for 2 straight days! We are so excited to have a rocking place to PART-A this summer with a kickass neighbor upstairs!

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