This past weekend was the Spanish Peaks Enduro in Trinidad, CO. For those of you who don't know, Trinidad is the 'Sex Change Capitol of the World'. If you think I'm kidding, check out Wikipedia
here and scroll to the 5th paragraph. Although I couldn't race this year, it was really fun reminiscing and laughing about about how much fun we had last year. It was my first attempt at an enduro and to put it in perspective, I completed 1 lap in the same time most people did 3! Too funny.

After a good dinner for Clint's 40th birthday at Rino's (an Italian restaurant with live singers), we got some stellar rest and Bryce was ready to rip it up on the course. Our good friend Dan and Clint were on the same row and the above pic shows what Dan put on his bike thinking he was going to leave Clint in his dust. Hilarious! After watching everyone go through the endurocross section of the course, it was time to wait until the first 23 mile lap was complete.

Unfortunately, this is when things turned sad. When you see ambulances fly by at moto races, you always get that sick feeling in your stomach. Since Clay had his phone on him, he was able to call his dad at one of the checks to let us know what had happened:

A couple minutes prior to Bryce coming through during a test section, a few people had already stopped to help a down rider and were beginning CPR. Once Bryce got there, he stopped as well to help out. After a firefighter and the paramedics arrived, there was nothing else he could do so he continued to trail ride through the loop and later find out that his friend Glenn Tyson did not make it. After Bryce completed the lap, he was in no condition to race/ride so we packed up and headed home. There is nothing worse than dealing with something as terrible as this, especially when it's during your most enjoyed activity, regardless of how it happened. On our drive home, we were informed that someone had seen Glenn just fall off his bike rather than crashing into something. With all of his protective equipment intact, it is thought that a natural cause of death came prior to falling off his moto. Please help us send positive thoughts and wishes to his family and friends. RIP Glenn Tyson.