Things have been incredibly busy with clients, year end wrap up, holiday parties, attempting to get back into training, etc, but lots of fun times have been had! Winston and I took Simon (his roommate's dog) up to Indian Peaks and skinned up the mountain on our tele skis then skied back down on New Year's Eve. This was great practice for the XTERRA Winter World champs and got me really excited to start incorporating those types of workouts into my training. That night was pretty worthless, but New Year's Day was pretty fun. After watching the Red Wings beat up on the Blackhawks outside at Wrigley Field - which by the way was freaking AWESOME - Jon and I threw a little '2009 kick off' BBQ' at our place. We got the grill going, played some video games and busted out Jon's Klackers game which is always a hit. Good times!
Since it was 64* yesterday, I was able to get out for a few hours on the MTB which was probably the best feeling EVER. It was really windy, but I could have cared less as I honestly haven't ridden outside in so long because of working so much during the day and losing daylight so fast. It was exactly what I needed and a great boost of motivation to get back on track on Monday!