Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where I've been!


Mark Shenk referred me to this really awesome company looking for an accountant/financial analyst and it worked out perfectly! They are a consulting company for sport retail stores to help place and move their product more least I think :) I'm responsible for the numbers, payroll, taxes, etc - not the nitty gritty :) At any rate, it's been a whirlwind trying to get up to speed and figure everything out, so I've been working SEVERAL more hours on a daily basis then I have been all year. It's great!

The weather has been really crappy with lots of rain lately, but I think today is supposed to be the first day back in the 80s followed by a whole week of sunshine and warm weather. I feel about 80% now but still have that nasty cough going on. I sure hope that it goes away before Birmingham next week.

As for my Pistons and Red Wings...well, they either win together, or lose together...Monday was a good night, last night, not so much :( We'll just have to see what happens this weekend!

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