Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I love tapering!

As annoying as it is to rest and recover, it really does do the body good :)

Things have been going much better this week and I'm super excited to get things packed and ready to go tomorrow. I've never been to Cancun, but if the rain can hold off, I reckon it will be a really fun trip! Must get on the bike, grab some peanut butter from Justin's at the Farmer's Market and head over to the Shenk/Zeiger household for Mark's birthday!!! Busy, busy, busy...


kerrie said...

go erin! go erin! no pressure....;)
i hope there is some good coverage on ironmanlive so we can track your progress!

Erin said...

Thanks Kerrie! Have a stellar weekend of training for Kona and rest up. I assure you that you're S.L.U.T. program will pay off...just hang in there :)