Tuesday, April 10, 2007

About time huh?

Yes, yes...my blogging posts have been slacking quite a bit the past couple weeks, but once the weather gets better and things start settling down with work, I'll be back on track!

So the weekend was a bit unusual with lots of snow/rain/sleet/coldness/you name it. Changed a bunch of workouts around and ended up swimming with JZ in our wetsuits on Saturday morning and getting in a decent bike on the trainer in the afternoon. Killer dinner with the Coopers at Moongate and a delicious dessert afterwards at the Boulder Cafe. Easter Sunday was not so typical either. Woke up and made myself a nice pancake breakfast and hung around waiting for the snow to stop falling so I could head out for my 2hr run. It stopped around 11am and as soon as I got out the door it started again and pretty much dumped on me for the whole 2hrs...brrrrr. Not so fun. However, I did have some great company and had a nice brunch afterwards followed by a trip to the movies to see "Blades of Glory" which was hilarious. Good weekend despite the nasty weather.

Since I was unable to get in the long ride over the weekend and it was supposed to be 65 and sunny on Monday, the plan was to shift everything over a day. Great ride out to Carter and back, just a tad windy - one of these days it will be calm coming home from Carter Lake...one day. Shake out swim in the afternoon after a little work and a fun time cheering on Jon's kickball team later in the evening.

Crashed Simon Lessing's interval session at the rez this morning with about 5 other girls...super fun and got a killer run in. After running around all day and finally getting Chautauqua settled and sold, I was able to get on the trainer and kick out 2hrs of intervals with Mercedes! Loud music, lots of sweat, gotta love it!

Now it's time for bed. Night Night.

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