Less than 20hrs after my surgery, Bryce and I jumped in the van and headed down to Matador, TX for his last moto race of the season.

No, it probably wasn't the smartest thing I could have done, but definitely not the dumbest either. I figured if I was going to be sitting around anyway, I might as well do it in the car with Bryce and keep him company for the 10hr drive there and back :) The drive down wasn't bad at all and we there in time to chat with a few people, get B registered, have some dinner and crash at the hotel.
Sunday was a typical early morning but a bit more rushed than normal. This was a 'timekeeping' event (I still don't get how it works) but at any rate, you need a special computer to keep you on pace and that still needed be mounted to the bike. Luckily he had a few guys give him a hand or two and made his start time with a few minutes to spare!

This was at the 2nd gas stop at mile 50. As you can see by the killer 'dust stash', it was pretty sandy and dusty. Although it wasn't his best of finishes (14th), he actually had a great race and had he been just a few seconds faster in each test, he would have been in the top 1o for sure and possibly the top 5. Great job B, that's your motivation to get faster for next season! Check out his race report at
The Braap Spot.

The drive home - Since B drove the whole way down and raced all day, I figured I'd try to do a short section so he could rest his eyes a bit before the long haul home. Driving a giant van isn't easy and doing it 2 days after knee surgery isn't any easier! However, it did allow us to get home safely with only a few 10min power naps on the side of the road in the middle of the night. I'm now back on the couch resting, recovering and waiting for the time when I can run again :) Hehe.
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