Friday, December 15, 2006

Holy Crap...I'm actually approved!!!

Can anyone please tell me what in the world is wrong with the American Society?!?! Not that I'm complaining one bit, because I think it's pretty freaking awesome, but there is NO way a 22 year old making hardly any income should be pre-approved for a $210,000 loan!!! Yeah, you read that right! WOW...huh?

I guess now it's time to find a 3 bedroom place for that amount and 2 other roommates to rent from me! Sounds so simple, yet realistically could be a complete disaster. Yes, I have a ton of thinking and reflecting to do about it, but for now, it's kind of exciting! Stay tuned...I'm taking a 6 hour homeowner class on Saturday so my current 'Grand Idea' might not seem so grand anymore :) Haha...we'll just have to see!

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