Thursday, July 06, 2006

Like a fish

So if I can't run...might as well start getting super fast in the water and on the bike. Although swimming twice a day may possibly sound and seem like the most awful thing in the world, it's actually not too bad. As a matter of fact, since the injury, my swimming has improved tremendously with all the extra yardage :) I pretty much swam like a fish today and I'm wicked excited about it!!! Stay tuned for more updates!

On another note, one more race/series that I am eating an entry in is the Boulder Stroke 'n Stride Series (Thursdays at 6pm - 1500m swim/5K run). Even though the last place I want to be is somewhere where I should but can't race, I still feel as though the right thing to do is be there to support all of my training partners, friends and competitors! Off to the race to be a cheerleading...okay, not really, but you know what I mean!

Until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!