Saturday evening, we all headed to the new 1st Bank Event Center in Broomfield to see the Denver Roller Dolls.

Yes, that is professional women's roller derby you see above.

We didn't get there in time to get front row seats, but still had a blast with everyone.

Check out the announcer...this is for real...schwing!

There's actually a huge following for this sport. Everyone who thought I would come home wanting to start up in this madness is nuts...no freaking way! Those girls are insane.

The night wouldn't be complete without someone buying Tingle a pair of hot pink fishnet stockings like the other roller dolls. She swears she's going to wear them to the pool under her swimsuit this week...who wants to take bets!?!?
Hey there, thanks for coming out to our bout! We had an absolute blast playing for you - it's fun to introduce the sport to some new fans.
For the record, though, we're not actually professionals - we're a skater-run non-profit organization. We pay to play, not the other way around!
Hope to see you at our April 17th round robin! My team, the Green Barrettes, is aiming to make applesauce of the team that beat us this time (the Bad Apples)!
Kendra Blood
Green Barrettes Co-Captain
Denver Roller Dolls
p.s. I posted a few of your pics on our facebook page, to show the venue. Hope that's ok - www.facebook.com/denverrollerdolls
That is so Tingle! Making new friends where ever she goes. Giddy up and go make some applesauce in those fish-nets Tingle! WowZa!
By the way, I'm not really a professional either. I pay to work for the team.
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