Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween and Teeth Removal

Halloween was very chill this year as Bryce had his wisdom teeth removed the day before. We sat around, watched moto movies and handed out candy to little kids...well I ate half the bowl, but that's okay :)
I thought I'd be nice and not take a picture of B and his swollen face, but now I wish I would have because the one above doesn't do justice. I never had any problems when I had mine done so I was hoping Bryce had the same luck. I don't think his recovery was quite as quick but he did do great and is definitely on the mend. Maybe he'll actually be able to eat something solid today!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's really hard to deal with wisdom tooth problems, bearing the pain just ruins your day. Before, I also had a hard time with my wisdom tooth so I decided to seek some help from some dentists (Raleigh area) and they also did wisdom tooth extraction on me. Dentists (Raleigh, NC area) are really great in providing good dental care to their clients.