What a trip! It's not over yet, but as I'm sitting here doing a little work and drinking my morning coffee, I figured this would be great opportunity to give a little update on what's been going on over the past week.
It almost started off in a very bad way as the entire lot to park my car to catch the bus was completely full. With minutes to spare, I took off to try and park at the next stop about 5 miles away which could have resulted in another large speeding ticket if I was caught. Luckily, that didn't happen and I was running down the steps to the stop as the bus arrived. There were 4 of us trying to get on the bus, but apparently the student at CU didn't have school this entire week so every single one of them was on that bus going to the airport too, leaving just 2 open seats at the 2nd stop of the bus route. After waking some kid up who was sprawled out over two seats, I was super stocked to grab one of the last seats and not have to stand the entire way. Goodness...what a debacle. Everything else was just fine and it was wonderful to see the family when I got in.

Tuesday and Wednesday were quite typical with some trips to the Lifetime Fitness gym with mom, a dentist appointment, dinner at Mr. B's with Ryan DeCook, a little Euchre (that's a card game for all you non-midwesterners) with the fam and LOTS of eating. Unlimited junk food is something I don't have at home so I take full advantage of that here...probably not the best of things, but oh is it good.

Turkey Day was fun but a bit crazy. We woke up super early to drive 2.5hrs down to Kalamazoo to see my mom's family and eat meal #1 and watch the football game. The food and company was absolutely amazing, however, I'm not quite sure what to say about the poor Lions. My friend Winston (who is from Tennessee) and I had a good smack talk session going before the game, but that ended less than 2 minutes into the game. The Lions lost 44-10 and are now officially 0-12 for the season. In some ways I feel really sorry for them, in other ways, I'm just embarrassed. At least we still have the Red Wings and Pistons to root for! We took some good family pics and then took off to drive back 2.5hrs to the other side of the family's Thanksgiving Day celebration. Again, more food, good laughs and fun pics. I came home feeling like absolute crap, like I always do after Thanksgiving as I've probably eaten more than 5x what I normally do. I'm almost thinking that the 10lbs I was joking about putting while I was home, might just actually happen!!! Oh, I love the holidays :)

Back to the gym this AM to meet up with Ryan for a swim, a little lift and a cycling class with mom. I still feel like I have a 20lb baby in my gut from all the food I've consumed over the last week, but hopefully this will get it moving...if ya know what I mean. Yes, I'm disgusting...

I'm super excited to see Katie Markey and her kids this afternoon as it's been FOREVER. She's only the coolest neighbor and the most supportive person in the world :) I love you Katie. Then I'm meeting up with an old friend, Rudy Ryback from Colorado who is in town visiting his grandparents. I haven't seen him since 2005 so it will be great to catch up. Then to the airport and back home I go!
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