Friday, October 19, 2007

Catching mice...

...that's what I've been up to these days!

No joke either. The bike house has a huge mouse problem and it's getting to be quite disgusting. The traps that have been set out previously haven't worked and the stupid critters kept eating the food on them and then just getting away. So finally, Shep decided to put the trap in the garage right where their secret entrance into the house/garage is located and we caught 7 in less than 12 hours...and we actually caught 3 in less than 20 minutes yesterday too. It was grosser than anything, but pretty freakin' hilarious all at the same time.

Trying to stay motivated for worlds, but it's getting colder each day and staying in bed longer and longer each morning just sounds soooooooooooo good!

1 comment:

Osman said...

Ugh..your mouse problem sounds pretty nasty.

In any event, thought I'd share the ride you missed this weekend if only to encourage you to join us next time.

Here's my write up and the forum discussion.