Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ugh, just one of those days

Isn't it weird how you can feel a crappy day coming on right when you get out of bed in the morning? Well I sure had that feeling with my first step out of bed and ended up having an absolutely crap-ass day.

Legs felt like there were 20lb bricks in each one of them during my run this morning and then as soon as I got the motivation to do my hill ride, the clouds rolled in, the sprinkles came down and the wind picked up. Needless to say, my legs never recovered from the morning and could barely turn over for the entire 2+hrs. Came home, took a shower, slept for 2 hours and now it's feeding time.

The only thing I want to do right now is watch my freaking Red Wings and the one station that the internet has to watch them online for free (since I don't have a TV) will not work. At least I can watch the Pistons, right...too bad they're losing!!! Okay, I'm done being a sour-puss, off to the Zeiger/Shenk household to go watch a little Grey's Anatomy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good night to have missed watching the Red Wings...
I wasn't on TV in the Detroit area last night.
Can you believe that???
Go Pistons....they were awesome...