Friday, March 02, 2007

Early morning trip to the ER

So my eye was absolutely killing me when I got done closing at the restaurant last night and I thought that by taking out my contacts and getting into bed, everything would be just fine. Well boy was I wrong.

I spent the entire night (11pm-4am) getting up every 15min to rinse my eye out with water or solution because it was hurting and burning so badly. After not being able to sleep at all and for fear that my vision was in jeopardy (my eye was truly the color of a bright red apple), I drove my ass to the hospital to figure out what the hell was going on.

Apparently I have a giant scratch on my cornea and it is one of the most painful things in the wonder I couldn't sleep. The worst part is that there is nothing they can give you for the pain except Vicodin or something along those lines, and that the pain will dissipate once the eye starts to heal in 3-5 days...BRILLIANT!!!! So now I just get to lay in bed for the next few days with all the lights off and wallow in agony until the pain goes away.

Seriously, I'm scared to know what the hell is going to happen next...every time things start to get a little better, something ridiculous like this has to happen....AAAHHH!!!!

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