Monday, August 14, 2006

Long Afternoon Naps

You know you've been lacking on the sleep portion of life when you fall asleep at 3:30 in the afternoon and don't wake up until 8 in the evening! Yikes...I think my body was telling me that it was in desperate need of some sleep!

Although I did completely waste my Saturday afternoon away, I was totally refreshed and ready for a great night out on the town with Mercedes. Her boss's band was playing at a local bar and so we ventured downtown to check that out...they were AWESOME! We also had a run-in with some old friends and watched the ridiculous "Big Wheel Rally" (yes, those stupid little bike-like things we used to play on when we were smaller). Only in Boulder do you find adults dressed up in custom, drunk out of their minds, playing on big wheels in the middle of the streets for hours, and only for spectator's sheer entertainment! HILARIOUS.

10pm-2am can be some pretty fun hours :)

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