Monday, July 30, 2012

I caved...

For those that know me well, I'm generally very anti Apple products. Although I really like my iPhone and find it very easy to use, I struggle every single day with file issues between Mac and PC computers. I waste so much time having clients and co-workers resend emails and files in usable formats and when I attempt to use Mac compatible software such as Quickbooks, it just never seems to work the same. Don't get me wrong, I think Mac products are cool, I just don't think people in the business world using Microsoft software such as Office should use them as their primary computer :) Okay, enough ranting and on to the point...When the iPad came out a few years ago, I thought it was really neat and could serve lots of great purposes. However, since my personal laptop computer never leaves my side, I didn't see any reason to get a tablet. Bryce, on the other hand, is always using his phone to check Facebook, watch videos and play games so it would actually be perfect for him.

If you know me REALLY well, you know that when I get sick or injured I tend to make large purchases. Albeit it wasn't a house, a car, a full sleeve tattoo, or a vacation home, it was still an $800 expenditure once we got all the cases/covers/speakers/etc. Since sitting at home and resting instead of racing and playing was on the agenda this weekend, we utilized the little guy quite a bit. I do have to say, it's a pretty fun little toy!

We also got to celebrate Bryce's dad's birthday this weekend! Momma Bingham would NEVER let a birthday go by without a homemade cake so we celebrated in style with a delicious angel food/fruit sensation. They left most of it in our fridge so we'll be eating leftovers for the next week!

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