Saturday, July 08, 2006


Can someone please explain to me how Colorado can be 80 and sunny in April, but 65 and rainy in July?!?! I just simply do not get it.

I don't think there is a better way to spend the day that you're supposed to be racing the most important race of the year than by standing in the rain for 4 hours giving a how-to-bike clinic to hundreds of women about to do their first triathlon. I mean seriously. We say there is no such thing as a stupid question, but oh man, there were definitely some interesting and over-the-top ones today! Plus, I just wasn't in the mood, so it pretty much just sucked.

I was supposed to ride before heading down to the clinic, but it was raining so I went back to sleep. Since the first attempt at traning was highly ineffective, I planned on getting in a swim when I got back. However, I came home completely drenched and frozen solid that swimming definitely didn't sound appealing either. So, what better to do than take a warm shower, eat everything in sight and play on the computer for the rest of the night!

Gotta love it. Hopefully the long climbing day will be in effect tomorrow...I'm getting quite sick of this crappy weather.

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